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Comment from: Verby Tension [Visitor] Email
Verby TensionDoes it come with cake and steak accessories? Or a piano sandbox?
11/09/06 @ 13:05
Comment from: Mark Thomas [Visitor] Email
Mark Thomaswe all love Brian, I met him twice once at Disnyland in 1980 W/carolyne and ten years latter with Dr. Landley each time I made him feel rather unconfortaable but I was trying my best to talk to Mr Wilson and he didnot want to be bothered with my praise and questions. As a native southlander who spent much of my life in athe Southbay I can relate to the beachboys more than the beachboys could to themselfves with the exception of Dennis... If you where to make a action figure I think a Dennis wilson circa POB/1977 would be more sincere or how about a Mike Love Dart board Mike Love being the most hated Man in Rock and Roll, and let's not forget that half the reason "smile" was never released was Mr. Loves fear of the new and the living Ghost of Murry at the time and that would be the beast BBaction figure Murry with his pipe and a reissue of the "many moods of Murry wilson." You have to love the great american tragic soapOpera which was the wilson family it's just to bad that they died young expect Audree which she was decent enough to live long to see how it all came out, Im sure Carl felt cheated that he never got to truly kick but as a guitarist and for that I do feel for him and I feel bad that the Wilsons never got their colective act together and drop Mike and maybe Al I always liked Bruce Johnson back in the day cause he more or less supported the wilsons till they became a parady of themselfves but that took 15big one to even begin to get there... Much like a life you look back at the past of a band or see that group the BeachBoys as a living thing with a personality of it's own and remember that the BB's at one time where as big as the Beatles and like the Stones they excisted almost 40 years... one last thing I wish there was a "smile" outtake Cd set I would think the good folks at Capital would find the material and interest...thank you and If any one has anything to add I'd like to see it.
04/08/07 @ 01:13